Archetype Assessment

This assessment is based on 60 descriptive words to assess your personality preference (Archetype).

The categorisation of these Archetypes is based on C.G. Jungs’ as well as Erica Ariel Fox’s work and serves as a mere indication of where your personality preference may be. Keep in mind that all of us exhibit all four archetypes, mostly depending on context and circumstances. But usually, some are more dominant than others.

You are only able to give clear ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers. We are aware that we would probably put ‘maybe’ to many of the words below, or that we would rate them on a scale. However, to simplify things and to invite you to choose clearly, we opted for a black/white picture.

No archetype is better or worse. We invite you to be honest in your assessment so that you get a result that represents your personality preference. We also encourage you to be well rested and able to concentrate when you take the assessment. It will take you about 5 minutes to complete.

You will immediately receive the assessment result denoting your personality preference with a short description of each of them (which will be displayed when you click on them). We will dive into further details of every archetype during our workshop.

Please note that this assessment is supposed to give you a rough sense of your personality preference only.


After selecting all the characteristics that you feel apply to you, click the ‘Determine my Archetype‘ button and your results will be displayed:

      • a pie chart with the distribution of your Archetypes
      • your primary Archetype
      • the ‘distribution’ of each of the Archetypes making up your personality preferences.

To see a description of each Archetype just click on the specific Archetype and a pop-up window will appear, outlining the characteristics of this specific Archetype.

Please make a screenshot of your results and email them to your facilitator prior to the workshop.

Thank you, and enjoy…

Your CFL Team

Archetype Assessment

Archetype Assessment

Select all the characteristics that resonate with you.

(The selected traits will be used to determine your archetype.)